Historia numorum; a manual of Greek numismatics by Head, Barclay Vincent, 1844-1914. Publication date 1887 Topics California Digital Library. American Libraries.


Historia Numorum. Barclay Vincent Head. 379 Historia Numorum; A Manual of Greek Numismatics. Barclay Vincent Head. 459 

(Selected Fragments of Ancient Greek Numismatics) Historia Numorum Online is a collaborative project which aims to record and publish all types and varieties of the coins minted before the Roman period (c. Forum is grateful to Ed Snible and the volunteers that created the digital Historia Numorum. The value of their contribution to Numiswiki cannot be overstated. A digitised version of an old, but still useful, reference book dating from 1910: Barclay Head's "Historia Numorum — A Manual of Greek Numismatics".

Digital historia numorum

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Inscr. on all these. C ·I ·N ·C (or C ·N ·C) ·EX ·D ·D · = Colonia Iulia Nobilis Cnossus ex decreto Decurio- num. Digital Historia Numorum Digital Library Numis (DLN) Online books and articles by B.V. Head Normdaten (Person): GND : 116554282 ( OGND , AKS ) | LCCN : n50025842 | VIAF : 54212430 | Wikipedia-Personensuche Barclay Vincent Head (* 2.Januar 1844 in Ipswich; † 12. Juni 1914 in London) war ein britischer Numismatiker.. Ab 1864 arbeitete er als Assistent im „Department of Coins“ des British Museum, 1871 wurde er Oberassistent, von 1893 bis 1906 war er der Direktor der Abteilung.

850 records DIGITAL historia numorum http www coinbooks org esylum_v06n08a02 html The E Sylum Volume 6 Number 8 February 23 2003 Article 2DIGITAL  Head, Barclay Vincent 1844-1914. Title: Historia numorum : a manual of Greek numismatics / by Barclay V. Head.

Antigonus five years later, he fled to Egypt, where Ptolemy gave him command of his fleet. In B.C. 312, after the victory of Gaza, he recovered his old satrapy.

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Digital historia numorum

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Digital historia numorum

(Selected Fragments of Ancient Greek Numismatics) Digital Historia Numorum A Manual of Greek Numismatics. A 1000-page encyclopedia on ancient Greek coins written by Barclay Head, former Keeper of Coins at the British Museum. Includes a 60 page introduction to ancient coins and indexes to cities, rulers, and subjects (gods, 2447 The Production of Ancient Coins Digital Historia Numorum; The Hoover Collection of Seleukid Coins; Magna Graecia Coins; Museum of London: Roman Gold; Nomisma.org; Old Money. An Exhibition of Greek and Roman Coins. Frances Lehman Loed Art Center, Vassar College. The Parthian Empire - History and Coins of Ancient Parthia; The Perseus Project; Presveis: A Currency for Europe Historia Numorum (2nd ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Digital historia numorum

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In B.C. 312, after the victory of Gaza, he recovered his old satrapy. Síguenos en:https://twitter.com/ccunabhttps://www.facebook.com/Canal-del-Conocimiento-UNAB-1724152321133282/?fref=tsy Visita nuestra página web:http://canalc Vad är en digital berättelse? Vi har berättat i alla tider. Idag kan din historia få en enorm räckvid med teknologins hjälp.
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Yamaha midnight tiur deluxe manual · Historia numorum a manual of roman pdf · Faria depth sounder installation manual  Hallenberg, Jonas, Catalogus numorum cuficorum, MS. Wallin der Jüngere, Georg, Praelectiones ac Historia literaria de praecipuis libris in Bibliotheca regia Upsaliensia facultatis philosophiae, , MS. DPReview Digital Photography. Doctrina Numorum Veterum, Volume 1 Volume 33. by Jean Barbeyrac ~ Paperback. text of "Öfversigt af svenska språkets och literaturens historia" See other formats Full och behandling vid akut sjukdom eller skada (bok + digital produkt).

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(Ref. snible.org Digital Historia Numorum) Ionia, Teos AE11 Grffin/Kantharos within linear square, THIΩN. I'm not sure of the date on this one.

Latin Plurals. Library of I iTunes är det otroligt enkelt att ordna en samling av digitala mediefiler och lägga till nya. Det går inte att hitta  Digital Historia Numorum ANNOUNCING: A project to scan the plates of many numismatic books. The Historia Numorum, one of the greatest works on ancient Greek and Roman Provincial coins, has entered the public domain. In a very real sense you now own the book.

Mask composed of Silenus head l., and boar's head r.; below, SEIC. Campana CNAI 1b (this reverse die). BMC 3 (this reverse die). Historia Numorum Italy 343 var.

Barclay Vincent Head. 459  Brenner, Thesaurus Numorum Sueo-Gothicorum. pag. samt register, sällsynt) ..

on all these. C ·I ·N ·C (or C ·N ·C) ·EX ·D ·D · = Colonia Iulia Nobilis Cnossus ex decreto Decurio- num. Digital Historia Numorum Digital Library Numis (DLN) Online books and articles by B.V. Head Normdaten (Person): GND : 116554282 ( OGND , AKS ) | LCCN : n50025842 | VIAF : 54212430 | Wikipedia-Personensuche Barclay Vincent Head (* 2.Januar 1844 in Ipswich; † 12.