Bus to Gallivare, fly to Arvidsjaur, train • 12h 46m Park to Östersund via Stora Sjöfallet and Gällivare C/Resecentrum in around 14h 24m.


Aug 24, 2019 km area it includes a good chunk of the Scandinavian Mountains, but the population is quite minor, at 17,600 people. Of these 10,300 live in the 

boende, livsmedel, kläder och transporter. För att beräkna disponibel inkomst dras skatten bort från inkomsten och olika typer av bidrag läggs till (barnbidrag, ekonomiskt bistånd, bostadsbidrag, • Total: 16,950.53 km 2 (6,544.64 sq mi) • Land: 15,825.22 km 2 (6,110.15 sq mi) • Water: 1,125.31 km 2 (434.48 sq mi): Area as of January 1, 2010. Population Företagsklimat.se använder cookies. Genom att fortsätta att använda webbplatsen godkänner du detta. Läs mer i vår cookiepolicy och integritetspolicy. Gällivare Museum is in the center of Gällivare and it offers a glimpse into the history of the town’s Sámi population as well as iron mining. There is also a display about the mosquitos.

Gallivare population

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Nearly 40 cases of the rare genetic disorder CIPA have been reported in Gällivare. If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (-0.26%/year), Gällivare population in 2021 would be: 17 896*. Population history [1] Annual population change Population in Gällivare, Sweden På denna sida kan Du logga in med hjälp av ditt mobilnummer eller fastnätsnummer och se ifall numret har en adress kopplad till sig. Om en adress finns registrerad på numret är det den som används av tjänsten. Om Du önskar kan Du ändra samt lägga till en adress (t ex adress till ett fritidshus) eller deaktivera utskick. Disponibel inkomst visar hur mycket hushållen kan använda för privat konsumtion, t.ex. boende, livsmedel, kläder och transporter.

Gällivare · Sweden, 8,480.

131 m² 4 rum 1 105 m² tomt 30 m² biarea

Knapp Marriage and partnership. Before the ceremony – consideration of impediments to marriage. Getting married in Sweden or abroad.

Gallivare population

Fakta. 128 kommuner i Sverige deltog i undersökningen. Population och urval. •. Målpopulationen är Gällivare kommuns invånare i åldrarna.

Gallivare population

Gällivare čita se Jelivare (finski: Jällivaara, sjevernolaponski: Jiellevárri ili Váhčir) je grad od 8,449 stanovnika na krajnjem sjeveru Švedske, on je i administrativni centar istoimene Općine Gällivare od 18,425 stanovnika..

Gallivare population

253,7. 306,7. Norrbotten (Sweden): Municipalities & Localities with population statistics, The population of all municipalities in Norrbotten county according to official Gällivare, Municipality, 22,421, 22,050, 20,037, 19,077, 18,425, 18,123, 17,529, →. Population : 17,524. Country : Sweden. State : Norrbotten.
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Gallivare population

Data is as of 2011 estimates. Gällivare · Sweden, 8,480. 157.

municipality is to once every second year renew one of the population. at Kiruna, Gällivare, and Malmberget, and iron is smelted at Luleå, the capital. and by the 1860s northern Lappland had a population of almost 6,000 people  samiskt samhälle : en studie av skötesrensystemet i Gällivare socken Depression and anxiety in the reindeer-herding Sami population of  Norrbotten County Sweden. 67.1379,20.6593618.
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Mar 31, 2015 Gällivare Church was built in the late 1800s, when it became clear that the town's first place of worship was getting too small for the population.

caribou and reindeer) population growth. (Adams In Udtja and Gällivare, the estimated brown bear population size in 2010 was. 2021-04-09.

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Population: Alla patienter > 65 år som är inneliggande på avdelning 63 H. tillfälle men kan finnas med i statistiken på population även nästkommande månad.

In 1879, construction began and in February 1882 the church was opened and is still used today. Rallarstigen (The Navvy Trail), which passes across the outskirts of Muddus/Muttos National Park, is a 44 km heritage trail with a special history. Ever since the 18 th century, it was an important route, first for the local population, then also for tourists and railway-building navvies. The trail begins at Lake Vassaraträsk in Gällivare and What are the best and Religious Sites attractions recommended in Gallivare Municipality?

Gallivare is surrounded by several national parks and nature reserves that are part of the Laponia World Heritage site. With snow capped mountains up to 2000m, the area boasts stunning landscapes and lots of opportunities for outdoors adventure. Plants and Animals. The region around Gallivare is home to many species of wildlife, flora and fauna.

Knapp Population registration certificate. All population registration certificates. Knapp Common requests from foreign authorities. Information to foreign authorities.

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